Thursday, May 1, 2014

Just Listen!

At times do you find yourself at one of life's intersections not knowing which way to turn?
Has someone unknowingly said something and you hear the comment specifically as an answer to the decision you are trying to make, only to have someone else say the complete opposite?

Do you wonder if certain people enter your life at certain times as a direct answer to your prayers?  But then someone entirely new comes along to steer you in the opposite direction?

To buy or pass, to sell or keep, to go or stay, to talk or keep quiet, which one to buy, which one to keep, which way to go?  We all have situations that come up from time to time and the answer is always to be still and listen.  Listen to your gut, listen to the small voice inside, listen for God's direction.

How many times have you thought to yourself, wow, if only I followed my instinct, if only I had listened, I KNEW better, why didn't I listen to my instinct?.. Tell me, you do honestly believe it all comes down to listening to your gut, and you usually find your gut was right, and more often than not you wish you had listened to it right?  But, what if....

What if you have a tummy ache and your gut is grumbling?  What if one minute you hear quiet bubbling, and soon after you hear rumblings?  One minute your gut is telling you to go one way, and then it starts telling you to go in the opposite direction!  Have you come to a certain conclusion and felt good about it but shortly thereafter your tummy starts to do flip flops and you are certain you made the wrong decision?

This has happened to everyone, and yes, the correct thing to do is to listen to your gut.  So now that I am standing in my intersection, I will be taking some Tums, saying lots of prayers, and hoping I make the correct decision.  Wish me luck!

You've seen the commercial, say it with me...Tum, Tum, Tum, Tum, Tuuummmsss!

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