Tuesday, March 25, 2014

Casey's Top Ten

10 Interesting Facts about Casey James Parker
  • 1. Casey lived in Alabama as a show dog before moving to Georgia to live with   Laura
  • 2. Casey's show name was Cash.  His mama calls him Casey, Case and Pooda
  • 3. Casey's favorite word is 'bye-bye'.  He loves to go to the farm and run and play
  • 4. Casey's favorite food is chicken, or maybe cheese, or maybe fish - he loves them all!
  • 5. Casey's favorite toy is Floppy, a soft, blue, chew toy
  • 6. Casey's birthday is Valentine's day, he is 6 years old
  • 7. Casey likes to lay on top of the back of the couch, not in his bed
  • 8. Casey prances up stairs, he doesn't walk or run up stairs
  • 9. Casey likes to wear his purple and blue sweaters but not his red one
  • 10. Casey likes to empty out his toy box and lay his toys out on the floor

Poodle on a Noodle Website