Monday, June 23, 2014

We can't help it!

I know a few people who are going through personal issues.  Because I am their friend I try my best to help by offering support.  Although I try to be a good listener, I'm one of those people who when faced with a problem try to solve it.  I'm one of those people who give unsolicited advice in an effort to make it all better, or to nip it in the bud before it gets worse, or even as a preventative measure.  Please know that when people like me offer this unsolicited help it's because we really care about you, and honestly, we can't help but try to help!  Help is always given with the best of intentions, we mean well, we really do!

Oftentimes the help I offer is a suggestion of gratitude. There are a bazillion quotes on gratitude.  The one I chose for today is this:

As I stated, there are a bazillion quotes I could have chosen, but this one works well for today because it not only pertains to Gratitude, but I believe it crosses the line into other areas and aspects in our lives.  Hopefully someone really needed to see this today, and it helped them.  Maybe someone will file it away for future use.

Maybe not...but in any case, I just couldn't help but write this blog today.  As I said, I'm one of THOSE people!

There you have it,
Hug someone for me,

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