Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Older, Wiser, and Very, Very Tired

I thought as I got older I would be wiser.  In many cases, I am, and I wish the person I am now could go back and redo what the younger me messed up!

I'm a Microsoft Office gal through and through.  Word, Excel, PowerPoint, - I've GOT those, really I do!  I can write a Excel formula that will blow you away!

My phone? My computer? - Well, that's another story! It seems I'm falling behind daily.  I feel like I fell out of my little boat and my ankle is caught in the anchor rope. I'm treading water as fast as I can to keep my head above water.  Every time I make it to the surface for a breath of air, I sink under the surface again, only to thrash and kick my way back up for a brief second before a wave pushes me back down.
My book has required me to learn some really cool programs, stuff I'm so glad the computer can do!  The tough part is me telling the computer to do it!

I'm sending a huge heartfelt THANK YOU to every single person who has ever posted a You Tube video, or commented on a post, or answered a question online.  You've been a life preserver in this raging storm, and trust me, I'm clinging on for dear life!  Hopefully I'll get the hang of this soon, the waves will calm down and I can swim to shore and plant my feet on solid ground -at least until they come out with the next new and improved version.  I hear a storm rolling in from the distance already!

Take a look at the updated website, and PLEASE send your comments. I started it at 8am and finished it at 4am.   Going to bed now!  Wait, first I think I need to eat something, or pee, or brush my teeth..ZZZZZZZZ
Background magic!


1 comment:

  1. You are not alone. In today's world, technology is overwhelming to most of us, I think. Love the website. Good work.
